Review • The Pucker Next Door by Sara Ney

Sunday, December 22, 2024



When a squirrel chews its way through my bedroom wall, I do the first thing any single girl like me would do: run screaming out of the house to the neighbors, begging for help.

I should mention that the house next door is full of hockey players. And when I lock eyes on rough and rugged Brodie Stockhausen—who happens to be outside brooding on the porch—I’m not exactly impressed.

But I’m desperate, in a bathrobe, and need a bit of rescuing.

Soon I’m begging for his help with more than just squirrel duty and DIY projects. I want his attention and his touch—not just his friendship!

I want what every girl wants: him lying in his bed at night, so desperate for me that he’s willing to scale two stories to sneak into my window. Hey, a girl can dream…

But Brodie has a secret; one that leaves me wanting more every time we’re together but has him pulling away…


ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

I've never read a love story that started with a squirrel and I doubt I'll read one again.

Lizzy & Brodie are neighbours during their college years BUT, they've never interacted. In fact Lizzy has no reason to plop herself in the lives of 5 hockey players... or athletes in fact. But one night, after her roommates abandon her because of a terrorizing squirrel, said squirrel chews through her wall and that never interaction starts a love story!

Brodie - still a virgin - likes to pull back from society. Feeling insecure about his predicament and just the aura of shyness that seems to walk over him like a cloud, he keeps himself to his self and only really escapes that on the rink. However Brodie is just as terrified of said squirrel which I find adorable.

Most of the book is Brodie and Lizzy interacting and fighting off these feelings... at least Brodie is and Lizzy is trying to coax them out. And for most of the book, they kiss and have oral therapy... but sex doesn't happen until towards the end. 

I liked the book and the plot and considered it a quicker read compared to my reading history of late!


I forgot... a lot... that these guys were in college. Their personalities seemed more high school. Maybe due to the focus on sex. That could be a me issue because I'm older that I can't remember an obsession with it, but I also can't recall anyone in my life focusing on sex like these character!

There was also a struggle with their appearance.

The book cover (I know I should never judge a book by one)  gave the impression Brodie was normal for an athletic student.
But the either made Brodie a hairy gorilla and Lizzy the perfect ant
A bulky, smooth Athletic person and Lizzy an average sized woman.


Oh, and the epilogue... it's done by a squirrel

But that being said, It kept me reading for too long in a morning after a night shift and I slept shockingly until I woke up too late in the evening before work!

About the Author

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte's, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.

Authors Website

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